Ok, first off. I have been trying to do this bit for ages. I have a mesh (we will call this mesh ‘bar’).
The bar have a sensor in which if a mesh with the propertie of ‘ball’ comes in a distance of 2, it will move up wards one space to hit the ball back upwards.
But my bar doesn’t then go back down into it’s originial pose.
How can I make it go back to it’s original pose?
if you use an ipo to move the bar up, just use the ipo flipper actuator
when ball is near bar, play ipo
flipper actuator makes it so if the ball is near the bar, the ipo is played, then when ball is not near bar, it reverses the animation back to the original pose
sorry i wasnt more help in #gameblender but i didnt know what the f*ck you were talking about
i think the ‘bar’ youre talking about is the flippers, which is why the blender people named the ipo option “flipper”