Some neat 3d manipulator video

that 3d manipulator has almost everything I wish blender had.

  • rotation in angles more in center, in view, in axis color on a backdrop.
  • nicer rotation handles
  • translation shows more info just than what axis, as length …
  • radial menu

That’s SecondLife, the gizmo has been like that for awhile. Best part about it is the visualized angle snapping.

So when is it getting into blender? :stuck_out_tongue:

When someone makes it for blender?
No one is planning on doing so. We need someone to break the ice here.

I wish I could do that then. T~T

I wonder how it’s done, is it just 2d drawn by code, or could you have a 3d manipulator 3d object like a mesh.

Well I was impressed at the real time depth shader! The manipulator reminded me of Chromoly’s stuff a bit.

me too… :slight_smile: