OK, Ive been working on the tut to make the little humanoid and am at the part to install the camera and move it to position.
When I move it to position and move it back far enough to view the whole noid, I cant see anything at all from the camera.
After playing with it for an hour, I give up. When I take it close enough to see the noid, then I can only view a head, or the knees or whatever.
When I zoom out with the camera to view the whole noid, then pieces disappear like they are going behind a plane or something. Interesting, but not really a zoom out.
So then I started wondering how you would put a whole world in the lense? One thing led to another and I am now wondering if my noid, is like some giant gargantuan(sp?) being that is bigger than any scene ever made!
I dont think that is true, but hey this is the first time I have used blender so what do I know…
So I guess I have two questions: How do you view the whole object in the camera and what is sizing based on. I had just assumed it was relational to the objects in the scene.
OH oh, and how do you get rid of the grid? And is there a way to get rid of the 3d cursor thingy? It is such a distraction and I am always clicking the right button when I mean to click something else.
OK, well waiting to hear back and thanks so much for helping.
In case you mean the red/green/blue manipulator thingy, Ctrl-Space or clicking the Hand icon lets you get rid of it. It’s useful sometimes though, especially for rotating bones in normal space for animating and other kinds of constrained movements.
Yeah, THAT cursor thingy can get annoying, I tend to find it more an annoyance than a help, but, from my limited use of Maya and Gmax, it can be helpful in complex scenes, now if only they’d make it available for vertices…
Yeah. I like the concept behind the visual widget things, but they take too much work to use. G + x/y/z (usually hitting them till the right line lights up, heh) works better for me than ctrl-space + 1, and I don’t have to go find and touch the right little stick after that …
Nope, and I wished there was, until I started snapping it to objects (shift-s, 3 or 4?) or the world center (shift-c) and then snapping the viewport view to it (c). Makes it easier to get the camera into a position where you can rotate and zoom properly instead of orbiting some off-point and being too close to the extents of the zoom …
WHoooosh :eek: right over my head! And warp? ok, then…:o
I will work on all that too then I will look like this:eyebrowlift: .
Also, I can’t believe I said “World Center” instead of “Origin”. o_o
LOL, like the star key on the keyboard???
The 3d cursor is the one I am talking about, at least I thought that is what it is called? It moves to a new position when you click the lmb. Above I said right mb, but Im dislexic and really meant my other right mb. Sorry for the .
I like the widgets,now that I am more comfortable with them. I would rather point and click then type.
I would like to see a floating widget with the most used keyboard functions on it. You know a another little box with more buttons with titles like R, G, CR, CG, B, AB (alt B),CT (ctrl tab), c1(ctrl numb pad 1) etc.
It could change functions with each view, I guess. I havent used Belender enough to have more than a clue of its power, so someone else needs to define more lttle editing buttons.
But I would love to have this included in the new release. I didnt see a place to ask for this???
would like to see a floating widget with the most used keyboard functions on it. You know a another little box with more buttons with titles like R, G, CR, CG, B, AB (alt B),CT (ctrl tab), c1(ctrl numb pad 1) etc.
You mean like the one you get with Spacebar, Shft-A or holding down the left or right mouse button?
Or the one you get with W or CTRL-E or . . . I forget, but there’s a few special popup menus.
Personally what I’d love is a few different versons of the 3d cursor, with maybe a size and color configurator like the multi-widget has. 'Casue I tend to just find the current one ugly. … Waitaminute … No, you can’t actually change the color of it in the themes settings, which means it looks pretty bad if you decide you want a bright white or bright red background color (or bright anything likely) for some reason.
Originally Posted by ititrx LOL, like the star key on the keyboard???
I’m on the keyboard?? Dude?! What!? :spin:][/QUOTE]
I always used to call the asterisk key the star. It was just a bad joke that popped into my head after reading: Also, I can’t believe I said “World Center” instead of “Origin”. o_o.
No, the widget I want isn’t like all those menu’s. I just want a widget with little squares representing buttons for options like I listed above.
Instead of hitting a three key combo to get something you just mouse to the floating widget and click the button, no menu opens.
The function you are after begins. A hotkey widget?