Some people just have impossible standards

‘All the tourists had been eating buritos, and had caught a stomach flu’

the inside of the chapel smelt worse the insides of a ton ton,

Don’t pretend like you don’t know the answer, it’s for attention. Here they are all over the internet because of this, they got what the wanted.

I usually read the yelp reviews more for the laughs at people than to see if ___ is any good or not. Though sometimes you can tell if the place is quality.

I just so happen to remember a line that states that what we think reflects who we are…

As they say: “Opinions are like :eek:s … everybody has one, and you probably won’t like what comes out.”

The Internet just gives every :eek: a “bully poo-lipit” to poo from. As a source of “objective reviews,” it isn’t one. It attracts people who want to bitch, because it gives them a place to bitch from. Sites like Yelp have no influence whatever upon me as a consumer.

as they used to tell us in art school: " it’s not about the quality of your work…it’s about how you sell it and which parties you go to. "

Actually I have a morbid curiosity for what goes on in the minds of people, And I like collecting and cataloging the justifiers people use when you ask them to explain themselves.
I’ve known allot of nut-jobs, After a while you sort of get a taste for admiring the train-wreck that is some peoples personalities.

Pablo Picasso (my opinion)