I’ve been trying to animate a bit with blender, i’ve finally sorted out a model and rigged it half decently; but I was wondering, is there any onionskin option? Is there any way to make sure the feet do not move when they are on the floor without adjusting them every frame?
You have a calculate motion paths button in object panel, you have to manually refresh it unless you are in auto insert key mode… ghosting works fine for bone poses.
As for sliding IK solver and constraints will limit this greatly
This is the animation support forum, and both of the questions are animation in nature.
Okay, thanks, the lack of onionskin seems kind of odd to me, but I’ll work around that… any ideas about the foot placement? Since moving say, the thigh would in turn move the foot so Animaniac888’s suggestion wouldn’t work well
in fact there is onionskinning in blender, but it’s called ghost. for bones you’ll find it in the armature-tab -> ghost. another onionskin-tool is the motion-path. you can find this in the tools [T] when you’re in pose-mode (Pose Tools -> Motion Path -> Calculate Path).