some warnings about windows ME and XP

I just thought these would be useful.

(1.) I had windows ME for a while, and RUNDLL.exe got corrupted all the time. RUNDLL.exe runs .dll files, so you can imagine the result. I strongly caution anyone who wants to use this os.

(2.) When you install XP, you have to re-install every program you had on your hard drive. Also, if you try to run an older program on XP, it almost NEVER works.

Keep this stuff in mind if you want to install either one of these operating systems.

Wierd. I used Windows ME for two years without a hickup.



I would gather from your post that you recently upgraded ME to XP. I stand behind anyone that says ME is crap because it is simply that.

However, if your going to upgrade, the REALLY smart thing to do is to back up your important stuff and simply reformat.

If you simple install XP over the top of ME, the problems you have will occur. Or at least that is what happened to me.

Also, the “Update Older Version of Windows” feature doesnt work so good and CAN end in the results you mentioned.

So to sum up:
ME --> Worse than a spike in your eye
XP --> Gods gift to the average consumer and those who dont feel like dealing with dependency errors and shelling out obscene amounts of money to upgrade the mac they bought 2 months ago.


Totally agree with you. :smiley:


A lot of older programs (95, 98, etc.) work, but some games I know don’t.

Erm, that is total hogwash, I have a ton of programs that I installed on windows 98 and can run with XP with no problems at all.

I think to say that its total ‘hogwash’ is a little rash. When you talk about operating systems, especialy windows, paired with who the hell knows what kind of hardware, you can get different results.

Usually, you wont see the EXACT same case twice.


maybe you should follow the correct steps for an upgrade and use the test tool to see what will and wont work. the only things i had to do were reinstall my dvd software from me to xp.

also there are now programs that will run all the old programs that didnt work from regular xp emulation settings.

dante: you see the same case here more than unix systems :slight_smile:

if your computer was already corrupt i wonder the extent of the matter.

M@dcow: sometimes i think your my long lost brother :slight_smile: keep it up man

I upgraded to ME after about half a year of using 98SE, and I see no difference whatsoever. Maybe I’m missing something.

ME acts if dos is gone, which is somewhat odd as it is based on 98, which is a few generations derived from dos

ME also has system restore, a great way for viruses to re-infect your system after they were removed (even in XP). It can be helpful though if you corrupt some system files which it happens to back up (it doesn’t back up much though)

other than that there aren’t any differences about it that come to my mind

(well, maybe that the windows update site will still let in ME, but not 98)

Windows update still lets 98 in (I know, I have it)

Windows 98 is in the phase where security patches still get released for it, but it’s not officially supported and new feature patches are no longer released.

IIRC it will be completely unsupported in 2007 sometime

Windows update still lets 98 in (I know, I have it)

Windows 98 is in the phase where security patches still get released for it, but it’s not officially supported and new feature patches are no longer released.

IIRC it will be completely unsupported in 2007 sometime[/quote]
they actually stopped supporting it in april or something

then I heard they would wait until june or july because of reluctance to migrate from it (2k and xp simply will not work properly on some otherwise reasonable [pentium 2 350Mhz, 64Mb ram, 2-4Gb hd] systems)

How can I put this?


I just checked, and windowsupdate works fine.

I found this, which says the end date was january this year, but is now mid-2006, and “online self-help” ie windowsupdate will be avaliable till at least mid-2007

My experience has been different. It usually works without tweaking, others will often work with a little tweaking, and very few won’t work at all. You just like complaining, and you have an ugly avatar.

You can get a DOS ecmulator for all the really old games…
Can’t remember the site, sorry. Google!

DOS emulator? I gotta have it! I have plenty of old DOS games that don’t work properly.

i had an upgrade from 98 to xp, and i had a few programs that didnt work, but overall, most of them were fine.

Doesn’t compability mode work in XP for dos games?
Right click the program and choose the compability tab…
And what hey mean with stop supporting 98 is that they won’t put out new updates, not that they will stop them from accessing the current ones through windows update.