Somebody know how to do sun flare effects on Blender GE?

If yes, post me a idea…Thanks

I have no idea how to do it, but I saw a blend file with sunflares a bit ago…

i think you may be able to do it with alpha textures.

I was observed PSX games and want to do this.I try but I cant’t

Want to do alpha textures?

I know how to do alpha, but I don’t with him…Viva o Pelé…

it is just a light setting in crystalspace…you can tweak the textures in the base texture folder…

for bge, I would use a ray, with the light as the target…
and then just use the ray to run the alpha fading…

I find it funny as hell when game producers add lense flairs , for “Realism”.
It is only realistic, if you walk around in real life with a camera glued to your face.

For years camera manufacturers have done research to get rid of this.

dont get me wrong… I think they look really cool…and add a nice ambience to the game.
it is just not “realistic” imho…

Yeah, what p00f said.

Make an empty in the sky at (roughly) the location of the sun. Have it track to your player camera at all times, and parent the alpha mapped flares to the empty. Set up a ‘ray’ sensor on your empty, and if it is “ray-ing” your camera, make the empty visible (thus making it’s children visible). If it’s not “ray-ing”, make the empty invisible.

Hope that helps! ~~ Stu_Flowers

P.S. - I haven’t tested this, but it should work just fine…

Thanks “Stu_Flowers”. I will try…Viva o Pelé…

There was a Lens Flare Construction kit somewhere. Ill try to find it
here is some screens form my online racing test using BZoo :slight_smile: with lens flare

Doc Holiday made the lens flare construction kit. It’s on this page (in German, but I think you’ll find it well enough… use google translate if you want to read it):

Here’s the tutorial
(In German)
(In broken, mistranslated English, many thanks to Google)|en&hl=en&ie=UTF8

Thanks “blendenzo”…I saw it and I will try…Viva o Carnaval…