I have no idea what’s going on, just press F12 to see. I surrounded the object with a very simple lighting scheme, so I would at least expect all areas to be reaching some degree of light. However, part of the object is getting a lot of light, and part is in complete shadow. Can someone tell me why that shadow is there, and the simplest way to get rid of it?
This was in 2.54, if you need to know.
are your normals pointing outward? it sounds like a normals issue. select your mesh, and go into edit mode, and a to select all, and press ‘ctrl N’ ( recalculate normals outside ), and see if that does anyhting.
The 2 meshes are intersecting, this can cause wierd effects sometimes, and also your point lights are a little far away.
Normally, spot lamps will be better for this type of ‘flood fill’ lighting i think, or try the environment lighting under ‘World’ tab. (just turning it on and reducing the height of your topside lamps reduces the shadow for me, by quite a lot.)
You could also increase the shadow samples and shadow soft size. Deleting the faces at the bottom of the cylinder (hidden inside the cone) helped correct some of the shadow errors. I think if you make this a single object (using extrudes e.g.) it would probably help a lot as well.