Someone making game levels using graph paper (Pixel Press like)?

Hello folks!

I was wondering if someone is trying to do something similar to “Pixel Press” ( in the Blender Game Engine.

All the best for all,


while an interesting concept, I really can only see it being useful in the development of 2D games. Maybe it could be used to create 2.5d platformers in the bge, but it really doesn’t seem like a clean workflow in this case.

Hmm. It could also be usable for designing rooms from a top-down perspective but still nothing you could do in the way of outdoorsy stuff.

I really like the concept, though. Allowing such flexibility for users is really interesting. 3D levels could still be designed using pre-made assets, provided that no concave compositions are allowed. Even more interesting would be using augmented reality to map the game onto the surface.

I shall add that to my todo list.

Drawing your levels/ideas out on paper is a fairly standard first step in the design process. Especially with level design.

The whole “push button to make game” function of this probably works about as well as it sounds. You’re not making a game here, you’re making someone else’s game, with your own arrangement of (limited) level design elements.

I wonder what they charge for that special calibrated grid paper they use there? hehe

In my eyes this looks a bit strange.

My paper draws are all bad. The editing options are very limited, the result is dirty. I use them only to sort my thoughts. For me it would be much easier to use a 2D or 3D Editor to draw that “input”. The lines are straight and I can move, scale rotate without getting dirty results.

Honestly I would use a tablet with a pen and an according editor rather then pen and paper. But this is my style. Nevertheless to sort out my thoughts pen and paper or pen and whiteboard are still a good way.

Why should I use this technique with the BGE? The strength of the BGE is to come with the Blender 3D editor. If I do not use the editor I can use any engine I like. I think this is “just” another form of level creation. It does not really matter what target engine your level editor has.

Now enough with the critics.
If you really want you can write such an level editor for the BGE. I’m sure this is a very interesting project.

  • You would need some image recognition system (Python, native code how ever). It can be even a separate standalone application. It would transform the captured image to a level description.
  • You would need a game that can use the level description from the above system.