It looks pretty nice. I did see, though I can’t remember where - an ocean simluation done with larger waves modelled (would work with the wave animation effect), and small caps/texturing done with a procedural bump map/color map. It looked phenomenal. I would be curious to see how well Blender could do with something like that.
Anyway, yours looks good. I’ve never had any luck with such things.
actually I tried the wave effect, which should be better, but it is not so easy to tune… I might try, maybe with a lattice to deform it and have waves follow the coastline in a nice way…
This is done with three moving bumpmaps, a noiseless wood ant two stucci
The original post at the beginning of this thread was back in may so it may not be up anymore. Guess need to check with s68 to see if it is still available.