Somewhere warm

Finally had the courage to share something here!

What do you think?


Nice, I’m learning how to make terrains, especially islands like this, so can you please write a short step by step process on how you made this? The main things at least, for example how did you paint the cliffs, by hand in texture paint mode or did you use some nodes? I’m looking for a way to paint things that are on a certain angle, for example to make steep things use cliff textures automatically, instead of painting them manually, which always ends up not realistic, since I suck at it.

Hey Jake, sorry for the late response, but of course i can write a quick step by step process. I have also been trying to figure out to do something like this for long time and the most realistic solution i found was with the World machine terrain generator. Coloring was done in the same software as well. (They have a free trial if you are interested)

  1. Generate/create height maps.
  2. Displace modifier on a plane with a high polycount
  3. Add textures, normal maps and other details to the mountain.
  4. Water is pretty much a plane with volume absorption added.
  5. Add the trees(Sapling addon) with particles and use weight painting to color the areas where the trees are located.
  6. And the clouds are done with noise textures and volume scattering in the material. (Blenderguru tutorial)

I Hope this helps!

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Hm…what I’m trying to do is to put rock/cliff textures on steep angles, for example in the game Cities Skylines, in the map editor, if you create a hill and create steep angles, they are automatically painted into a cliff texture which fades in/out depending on the steepness, that is hard to achieve with painting by hand, especially if you’re untalented like me, so I have no idea how to deal with that.