Somthing is off but i can't tell what

If anyone could have a look and tell me what you think could be improved that would be great. This is a vfk shot that looks kida off.

It looks to me like the image is showing on the object half way up or could be reflection?


Yeah. It’s supposed to be half buried in the sand. I was thinking of adding more debris.

Maybe a sense of scale ? At first glance the details on the object look like something that would appear on the column of a building so I would expect the object to be several meters if not dozens of meters tall, whereas the details on the beach and the waves make it look like it’s the size of a teenager.

If it’s been there for a long time, it wouldn’t be this pristine, there would be algae and mussel and oysters growing on it and if it’s just been planted into the ground it would have made a bigger hole, wet sand is hard to plant things in.


Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

The object looks slightly transparent, the sea is showing through the object.

Overall the image looks a bit washed out but that could be an artistic choice. Apart from that, not much wrong with it. I like the shadow and diffuse reflection on the wet sand.

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I think it’s just the hdri, and yes i tis a bit washed out I just tried to match the colors to the footage

Not a criticism but I think the object is inherently ‘scale-less’ because there is very little ‘known values’ (a rock, bird, crab etc) to reference it against in the scene.

Also not a huge thing, but you have a tangent that’s a bit distracting- the top of the cylinder meets the horizon line perfectly. I’d move the horizon up or down.

But also I’d be pretty proud dude, the colour and overall comp is really good!


Thanks man, I appreciate the feedback. Tomorrow I will probably ad some seaweed barnacles and stuff. But right now I am going to bed :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’d ask myself, what is the story here, why is this object there, for how long. What feeling do you want to convey? Mystery, Serenity, Tension?
where is the spectator supposed to be? (right in front, far away? remember: horizon usually equals eye height - if the camera isn’t rotated up or down)

The shadow looks to me as if it is much later in the day than the background suggests.

Maybe there could be some more displacement in the sand around it. More known objects to compare it to as the others already mentioned. Place a human near it or a kid’s sand bucket and see what it looks like in different scales.
Play around with different camera angles / FOV values, try out some foreground objects maybe? some blades of grass as if you’re looking at it from behind the dunes, a piece of driftwood, something like that)


The lack of impact crater/deformation at the ground plane suggest the object has been in place for some time, however there is no build up of sand in the crevices of the near side of the object and no erosion pattern in the sand at the far side of the object.

There appears to be some issue with either the reflection or the blending along the top edges of the object creating a stark blue white line across most of the top and top right sections of the object.

Shadows in the front area of the object are stark, but the cast shadow along the ground is mild. On the right side of the object within the area shadowed by the sunlight there appears to be an additional light source (backlighting) throwing shadows in an opposing direction with no visible light/reflective light source in image.

As a personal opinion the angle of the shadow cast by the object suggests a morning/evening image but the overall color seems far more mid day.

Oh and the base of the object doesn’t appear to be wet. No distinction in color or reflection,etc from where waves have been passing over the object.

Another consideration might be the color of the light: sunlight is warm. This color is quite cool. The color of the sand might be as-is, but I think that the illumination on the cylinder would be warmer.

I can guess at the scale of the object based on the proximity of the wave-line and the length of the shadow on the sand, so I personally have no problem with that.

Also, I wouldn’t add much “debris” because this is probably “not high tide,” and so the sea is going to wash-off this thing pretty thoroughly twice a day: the rising water would probably toss completely over it, scrubbing it clean.

(Unless you wanted to give this object some “history” through barnacles and so forth. After all, what is this thing, and how did it come to be here? “That’s your story to invent.”)

Overall, I think that what you’ve got right now is pretty close to finished. If you want it to be. The “improvements” are slight and technical.

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New version looks much better to me. With the colors it looks like an old vacation photo … imagine scrolling through some old family pictures and finding this :smiley:

Only thing a bit off to me is the fact, that the sand around the object is so smooth. I would expect, that the current of water flowing around the object would create some ripples or small trickles in the sand.

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I tried, but I looked really weird, and bad