Sound Blend - [CC BY] sound library: sci-fi | space | mysterious | machinery | more..

Hi All,

I’m a music producer and sound designer (a little bit a Blender artist as well) and along with other projects I’m creating a library to help game creators with specific sounds. Every sound in this library is designed by me and right now most of content are Sci-Fi | Mechanical | Ambient oriented. Sounds are seamlessly looped, OGG Vorbis format.
So, check it out, listen to previews and download sounds you need!
Sound Blend: 400+ sounds so far.
License: Creative Commons Attribution


Very nice library!! Would it be possible to make a torrent out of it - for easy download?

Thanks! Maybe later.

Yep, nice Library, thanks for sharing. But the license make it impossible to redistribute what we do with it?

Thanks! You mean ND part? Why not? I don’t think you’ll ever need to change sound itself.

Thanks, bookmarked, I always struggle to find the right sound effects for games.

if you use music for a video, thats a derivative work. nd doesnt allow for that. it’s just for downloading and listening.

For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording, Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is synched in timed relation with a moving image.

thats what it says in the licence. using music for a video means an adaption. and thats not allowed within the non derivative licence.

OK, thanks, I’ll check it again.

is it ok if the sound is altered via code during runtime of the game (speed, pitch, etc)

very often in game sound design, pitch is randomized in order to create more variation. Other effects can be dynamically applied in order to make the sound more interactive and reactive to the level design and game logic.

I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be a derivation as the source file wasn’t changed. Actually, I can’t imagine the situation when audio file itself can be altered - it can be mixed, faded in and out, looped, equalized, compressed, FXed etc. without destruction…
Anyway, there are some confusion with non-derivative part, so I probably will change CC license to CC-BY to avoid it.
Thanks for suggestions.

Changed the License to Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY]