Sound creation

Would a sound creation addition to blender be possible and used. I was also thinking of a sound nodes kind of feature. Do you think this would be a good idea?

First, you need to know that a program that’s designed for the creation of sound and music files that can be many minutes in length is a whole different animal not related to 3D work (in fact would probably be the facet of digital content creation that would require coding the equivalent of an entire music creation program and fitting it into Blender). If it was done by someone in their spare time it would take years before it could be used for anything somewhat complex.

You would need to code things like

-loop editing
-virtual instruments
-piano roll editing
-audio effects like reverb and pitch
-effects tracks
-send tracks
-mixer interface for complex situations
-customized symphesizer interfaces for certain instruments
-split/merge loop segments
-audio file support
-loop specific effects like fade
-direct recording to track functionality

For the Open Source enthusiast you can just get LMMS, for those who need a commercial program there’s Mixcraft 5 which has most of the features of the big budget programs for a fraction of the price.

I use ardour running through jack transport in blender 2.5

Yes, Ardour is the way! :slight_smile:

Ardour is awesome!!

ok ardour seems to be a good solution il check it out
@Ace Dragon thank you for explaining that as i was not aware of some of those things. i was just thinking blender could generate some sounds like it does texture images so you could then put them through a node like setup

I saw the video and was could not see what he did. Is there a special build of blender that is necessary or just the latest from graphicall. What do i have to do for this to work?

Audaspace is a Blender project that seems to be strong enough to do what you’re seeking (now you can only do it by programming in python).

You can see in this todo list a future node integration:

For using ardour you have to compile Blender with Jack support, and you have to do it under linux or mac. I think that there is no Jack support for windows.
I’m preparing a tutorial about this for the wiki with some friends.

Here is a tutorial I did for Ubuntu 10.04 (the site is under construction and there are some problems with interted explorer, sorry)

Wow, that sounds just too good :slight_smile:

well there is jack support on windows but adour and blender are lagging on my virtual Linux. however is audspace going to be implemented into blender eventually or as a separate program?

LIGHTWORKS for audio production/post?

It’s already implemented as a library, but there’s no GUI for it yet

here’s the documentation for programming with it: