
Does anybody here know of a good(free) program for recording audio over video? As you know, Blender can’t do this.
Sorry if I am repeating something somebody else asked at some point in time.

Does’nt anybody know of at least one?!?

Audacity. Its great for recording with your mic in addition to being a full blow open source audio editor so you can mix your soundtrack.

Know the Url?

Not sure about the mixing-into-video part, though.

For my first animation with sound I used Audacity to create the sound track which I then added to the video in AVI tricks (I havnt learned the blender sequencer yet though. I think you can do that with it now though)

Thanks, trying to download now…
will take a while with our 56k modem.

Ha your name is Lightspeed and you have dialup, how ironic!

But anyway, I am a musician, and I use Audacity a lot.

How true…sigh

I downloaded Audacity. It is a cool program, but you can’t use it to mix audio and video and save it as one file, which is what I wanted to start with.

If you’re using Linux, you’re in luck. Cinelerra will do this.

If you’re on other systems, you can investigate Jahshaka, which has for a long time been a kind of hopefull possibility as a full featured A/V nonlinear editor. But it’s development has been slow and bumpy and I really don’t know what stage it’s at right now.

I think that there are plans to incorporate this functionality into the Blender sequence editor in the not-too distant future.

If all you need is the ability to mux the audio and video together…
On windows, VirtualDub is good. Easy to use, not too shabby.
On linux (and probably windows too) you can do it with mencoder. Or a lot of other programs.

If you’re using Linux you can also check out, which is a video player whose transport can be controlled by Jack (an audio application “connection” system) so that a video can be played back in sync with a Jack enabled audio application such as Ardour or Rosegarden.

It doesn’t combine the audio and video, but it makes adding sound effects/foley tons easier. In fact, it’s one of the things that’s letting me switch more fully to linux - I used to need Cubasis (on Windows) to do my foley.

If you’re on Windows, and just need to be able to combine an existing audio track with a video, nothing beats the aforementioned Virtua Dub for ease of use.

It’s not free, it’s $18, but for what you can do with it, it’s pretty cheap. I use Total Recorder, you can record anything taht comes out of the speakers. They have a demo, it only records for 30 seconds.

Yes, I found a link to this through an old thread last night…
I think it’s just about what I’m looking for.
Thanks very much everyone!
P.s. To Friday13 and Slepnyrl: I dowloaded Audacity, and it’s awsome.Thanks for the help there.

No problem. I use audacity to create my soundtrack and then use a video editor (Avi Tricks before but thanks to Bugman who reminded me of jashaka I’ll be using learning that one now. A major update was just realeased by the way :smiley: )

Be sure to put this list in your favorites though

Wait a minute, I read your post wrong. I thought you said you needed something to record sound from the video. Man, I need a break.

Don’t worry about it. It jolly well could have been me that confused you, I think I confuse a lot of people by the way I word things.:smiley: