Hi gang! THis is a basic space scene. I used the same texture that M@dcow used on his nebula, (hope that’s OK M@dcow), and I used some planet textures that I already had.
Let me know what you think.
Be aware the full size image is 370 kb. I did not want to lose any quality on it. If anyone wants a smaller/more compressed image, let me know.
really cool scene, except…well the planet seem too specular…don’t know maybe its me.
and one thing: HOW DO YOu MAKE THOSE COOL NEBULA? is it only a background image? or some halo? need to know…well you know im a only-making-space-scene blenderhead
Very nice mate!!! Now you just need a few ships, some baddie type aliens and one helluva battle scene!!! And this would be a great setting for that since it looks so good!!!
Awesome work, now if you’ll just send me the original .blend (as well as delete it from your computer) and pretty soon i’ll be able to post a really cool new space pic that i did all by myself!!! hehe (just kiddin’, but you know that!!!)
to make nebulas like that, check out the better space tutorials by keir darby at www.ap3d.com.
(tutorials–>betterspace–>making a better nebula), it uses lightwave and photoshop, but you need only read the photoshop tut. the idea can be followed in paintoshop pro as well, never used the gimp so I can’t say anything about that.
I am not 100% on it either. I will try to play with the halo on that and see what I can get. I also may try this with radiosity and see what results I get as well on the planets. Should turn out pretty good I would think.