Space tearing conifold flop transitions in Calabi-Yau space?

Space tearing conifold flop transitions in Calabi-Yau space. I think thats right.
I have heard it explained as a sphere being shrunk to pinch the space
Is it a sphere as an object, or curled dimensions? I mean, is the changing of the sphere merely changing an object, or warping the dimensions?

Also, would the tear occur only at the exact 10D coordinate (ie, only at the point in our extended dimensions where it was done or at a single point in the dimensions in which it changed but everywhere in our extended dimensions).

Sorry if I explained that badly, it is a simplification I know, I may rephrase after I have had some sleep.



Thanks for the consise answer.

Anyone who knows what I am talking about?


Oh I think I do, at first I thought you meant Space tearing conifold flip transitions in Calabi-Yau space but now it all makes sense :). Of course I’m being sarcastic as I’m sure Alltaken was too.

Did you think that you would get a serious response to that question? It seems like a very specialised subject. I may as well ask about the mating cycles of the Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur:

You should at least post a relevant link to explain what the subject is about. Anyway, your post may be answered more satisfactorily somewhere like this forum:

I think most people here are laymen when it comes to advanced topics in Physics because it’s mainly a computer graphics forum. There are a couple of smart physics people around here but I don’t know if even they would know about the subject.

i know what you are talking about, but just find a book by brian green and read it. ‘the elegant universe’ has a couple chapters on calabi-yau spaces.

lol alltaken… I don’t even have an idea what he is talking about… sounds like a bad translation to a japanees anime series to me.


I dunno, but it sounds like he’s got some really good ‘shrooms :o and with a day like I’m havin’ today, man, I sure could use some. :wink:

I also have the uncomfortable feeling that he could easily succeed in getting a fat government grant to study this for the rest of his life… %|


Hence why they are Alltaken :wink:


I didnt post a link because if you didnt understand what I said, then you wouldnt be able to answer my question more easily than I would.

SamAdam, it was in that book I read about them. It explains the tearing of space by shrinking a sphere, I realise now the question was stupid since it must be a spherical shape of dimensions as an object would be made of strings and you cant shrink a string down to a point.

Did you think that you would get a serious response to that question?

Yes, and I did.

I posted here because I know some people here would have heard about it and maybe could give me a simple answer. Advanced physics places tend to give hugely complicated answers which are as hard to understand.

I also have the uncomfortable feeling that he could easily succeed in getting a fat government grant to study this for the rest of his life…

Pah, I intend to overthrow the government and spend all the money on dancing robots, AND YOU CANT STOP ME! AHAHAHHAHAAHAHHA
Ahem [straightens tie].


lol alltaken… I don’t even have an idea what he is talking about… sounds like a bad translation to a japanees anime series to me.[/quote]

just smile nod and say yes to things you don’t understand :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL classic X-Warrior saying, the only reason that is always so funny is the blantent bad grammer LOL.

Hence why they are Alltaken icon_wink.gif



that be the reason i am Alltaken LOL


String theory is beyond me bulletdoga, so I have no idea.

I understand that Calabi-Yau space is characterized by the existence of a nonvanishing harmonic spinor …which implies that its canonical bundle is trivial.

It might help if you gave us a quick summary of what Calabi-Yau space was and whether fermions have anything to do with all this. A mini-tutorial giving us some basics about string theory perhaps?

I have some questions:

Should we be worried if space tears?

Are you sure it’s “conifold” and not “manifold”?

Do you think that we will be able to get Blender to do renders of 10D space?

And what have you done to our trusty and sensible moderators? They seem to have begun spamming each other…

String theory, ahem.

Basically, all particles are not pointlike, but vibrating strings of energy. The vibration denotes the properties of the particle. Strings can actually be “branes”, not just an infinitely thin string, but more of a doughnut, or even higher dimensions.
Calabi-Yau space, this is the idea of not just having our 3 extended spatial dimensions, but also another 6-7 curled up really small (plank length magnitude). The shape of this space determines the physics that we see. Having 3 holes in it brings up 3 families of particles, and other stuff.

A 2d visualisation of 10D space? hehe, worth a try. 4d is the highest I have made in blender, and that was a real cheat. Look for tesseract java applets, you can rotate a 4d cube through a fourth dimension of space.

I understand that Calabi-Yau space is characterized by the existence of a nonvanishing harmonic spinor …which implies that its canonical bundle is trivial.

I have to confess, I understand a bit about calabi-yau space in the basics of string theory, so I cant respond to this until I have done some more research.

No need to worry about space tearing. When the tear occurs, if a string surrounds it, then space mends itself. The equations are far beyond me so I wont even attempt to find them.
You may think that we would be doomed if there wasnt a string there. But we know from QM that particles seek every possible path, so there is always a string in place. The tearing of space is just theoretical, so I dont know the practicalities of this.

I am certain it is conifold, but cant find it at the moment, so will get back to you on that one.

I dont think it is to do with fermions in particular, other than it gives rise to them

Damn its late and I am knackered. Forthwith, I shall retreat to my cave.

what else was there? Oh yes

I  A  N
m     e

Quite right. The conifold tears the class M4 hypergx which caues a rift in the subspace manifold.

but if the whoosits are properly confustrated on the doohickeys, in the same region as the demacromabobs and crapamadoodles, the 11D space can be shrunk to conform to the calabi-yau spaces, as is proposed by what’s his name.

in other words, elysiun is not the place for high science: chem, physics, theory, math…

Sorry, I didnt realise the off-topic chat forum excluded me from talking about physics.

well a better subject choice might have been sex, that is always popular.


all I am saying, is chat about it all you want, but don’t expect any good answers.

I was there…