A simple template for a spaceship game.
I didn’t include a HUD or shooting, you can do that I hope. I may make it more complex if people want it.
Use the “spawner” nodes to place new ships.
You can change the vales of the ships such as speed, turn speed and health by changing the properties on the “spawner” empties. One of the empties should have the player property set to 1. This will spawn the player.
For the player, use A and D to turn, W and S to pitch and space to increase thrust.
The enmey will track to the player and chase him.
If they get too close they will circle the player so that they don’t crash in to him.
I made this to handle airplanes in my own game, but figured it could be useful to other people makign a spaceship style game.
The ship model is on the second layer. It is parented to the “agent”, if you want to have a different ship, just add a different model and parent it to the “agent”. The camera currently faces backwards. You can change the position or orientation of the camera manually.
space_ai.blend (152 KB)