Spaceship for my Space Exploration Game

I’m designing a space exploration game, and I’ve come to the point where I need a nice looking space craft. I’ve had little experience designing space ships, so I’m interested in getting people’s thoughts or suggestions along the way. Here’s my original sketch and what I’ve done so far…


The design is not bad ! The fully round/smooth cockpit looks a bit boring though. Maybe some sharper edges like on you skectches woukld make it more interesting.
But there is really too much subdivision I think. You should use less and use smooth shading.
You may have trouble doing anything with it outside of Blender with this high number of poly. Especially if you want to use it in a video game.

I worked on the rear hatch today. All of this is just a first pass, I will be adding details as I go.

Sorry, this post was duplicated…

looks nice so far, keep it comin’ :wink:

That is waaaaay too high poly for a game.

Thanks for the advice. Yes, I will definitely be making a low poly version for the game.

Well, I’ve spent a lot of time doing details. While it was lots of fun, I think I should have been refining the overall shape a bit more.

As yhoyhoj suggested, I’ve added a few more lines to the main hull, as well as a bunch more little details.
I will be making a low poly version and applying all these details as a normal map…

It has a great whimsical quality to it - like something you’d see in Mark Kistler’s Secret City drawing show back in the 80’s.

Keep it up!

Thank you for introducing me to Mark Kistler! He’s awesome:)

I love it. It’s a real tonic for all the ship designs that echo Star Wars or Star Trek. Do those segmented landing skids have movable joints - like feet? They look jointed like insect legs – might be cool if they flexed a little so the skids were not always straight. 2cents worth right there! :slight_smile:

Nice idea! Probably too late to implement on this one, but I will definitely think about it for my next one.

After a lot of effort and many headaches, I’ve created a new, low-poly version of the spaceship, and I’ve baked the Ambient Occlusion and Normal Maps from the original high-poly model.

Okay, this is where I’m not very experienced … this is the preview in the game engine. I’m using the Ambient Occlusion map, with some added colors, along with the Normal map. Any advice on how to make the Normal map look better, or how I can color it to look better?