Spaceship Frigate WIP

This is going to be a low poly model for the unity engine and/or cryengine, this specific class of ship has no particular name yet. I’ve started doing block out for what will look good but also function well in the game so getting and scale on a 130 meter ship is proving a pain.

Ship specs
Class: Frigate (Specific class has no name quite yet)
Length: 130 meters
30 - 40 crew
5 decks + hangar
5 hardpoints + missile bay
Hangar fits two small ships

This is from the basic blockout, as you can see it is “Basic” however it allows me to sort out where’s where and whats what inside the ship.

This image shows the individual decks which will all have to be modeled. The smaller rectangles are where the elevators are and the large rectangle at the bottom is the hangar.

looks similar to my freighter, keep up the work i would like to see what this ends up looking like.

nice start, seems like a smart way to figure out what and where. Design follows function, nice to see your block in.