SpaceShip going through planet

Ok, first off I attached a .blend so you can understand whats going on. PLEASE note that this is crap work, I can do WAY better. But for the sake of testing I quickly made it it a couple seconds.
OK. So basically my spaceship goes through the planet. How can I fix this?
The Spaceship is a Dynamic Actor with Box bounds.
The planet is Static with sphere bounds.
Take a look at the .blend if you are confused.
w,a,d are to move, and middle mouse wheel up and down is to change altitude.
Thanks in advance.
P.S if anyone else knows a different way for me to get the effects i want, let me know,


Spaceshiptest.blend (515 KB)

Make a property that increases when mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down.
When property = below a certain point, down movement ain’t working anymore.

If you don’t get it i’ll make a quic .blend.

I understand what your saying and I will do that. However, i was planning on making mountains. I tried them in my blend, and i go through them. I obviously cant use property’s for that.

I’m can make it so it stops it so it cant go down, but know once i go back up, i still cant go down… Could you give an example blend please!!!

Use a Ray sensor, set it along the -z axe and select INF.
Connect that one to the move down button.

Now the only problem you’ll face is that once you move up agains a mountain, he will fly into the mountain.

Ray sensor -z axe -> No INF. connected to a motion up editor.

See for yourself how far the rays can move down.


Your in luck. I’m at school with nothing to do so I made the file for you.


Spaceshiptest_fixed_i hope.blend (516 KB)

OK i get it!!! Thanks so much GameMaster, I really appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

No problem m8. ^^ Glad I finally can help a little on blendartists. xD