Spaceship: The Indra Update#1

Hi people!

yesterday night I got inspire by a pic I saw on a forum and I started modelling a spaceship. I’m gonna try to make it the most detailed spaceship I’ve ever done so it might take a while. After a few hours here’s the wip!

Hope you like! :smiley:

I like :smiley:

did you already texture it??? I mean there isn’t a simple button in blender which gives this worn off look (on the edges), is it?

And if I was you I would already reserve a seat by a psychiatrist because you’ve got to go crazy with that level of detail.

Keep up the good work

Man…awesome work!

Keep it up, I can’t wait to see more!

EDIT: to get that effect he uses spot lamps with bias set to 0.10, however I’ve always wondered just how he manages that without lots of noise/banding artifacts that it creates for me.

Looking good, although that stuff on the side looks more like my motherboard than anything useful for interplanetary travel. Maybe if it looked more like something, heat sinks, escape vessel racks, windows, weapons, sensors, etc… at the moment it doesn’t look like anything. Detail is no good if it doesn’t look like it does something (even if it doesn’t).

Other than that looking as good as usual, with that unique X-WARRIOR blockiness.

I wouldn’t be so harsh if you weren’t so damn good!! :wink:

ps: Why don’t you get Moire banding? Multiple light setup or what?


Hey guys!

tx for the reply!

Dittohead is right about the “why” of the edge. it’s low bias spotlight. I got 8spotlights covering the whole ship with his shadowbuffersize. That might be why I don,t get those lines.

Alicopey158: ever saw the millenium falcon in close up…hehe got lots of useless detail :stuck_out_tongue: But yea you’re right. For the next parts, I’M gonna try to make more usefull stuff as you said.

tx :smiley:

X, your WIP"s look like a lot of people’s finished projects lol.

Great look I love it, even the no apparent reason detail on the side. IMO, it doesn’t matter for something like that.

Nurnies. I love Nurnies!
You are really good to get those many details in just a few hours.

You… say… you’re going to try to make it detailed? To me it’s already detailed! I wouldn’t last even that long… Man… good job!


blade: you obviously haven’t seen his other works.

He’s got plenty to do next, his aeshma was awesome, this’ll rock out faces clean off.


more to come but I might take a break because I’m falling back into the exodus. So maybe next update in a few weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

holy **** :o :o :o :o

you better be doing a sweet fly by animation to warrant that OBSCENE amount of detail :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it. Again, it has your distinct style.

It does remind me of your last one though. What ever happended to that by the way?



Looks awesome, I can’t wait to see more!



I second the call for a fly-by animation :).



Just one thing I can’t rely get the scale of the thing… My first impression is that it has the size of a car or even smaller… I’m pretty sure it has to be a huge ship so Ithink some usefull stuff could make the scale more clearly (like antenna or ports maybe some smaller ships that circle around)
good luck

Hey you,re talking about the Aeshma…actually…hehe…I decided I won,t show any of the ships I make…because from now on…all of them will appear in…how to say…a short movie…what,s the name again…oh anyway :stuck_out_tongue: you see what I mean hehe

tx for all the comments :slight_smile:

Hope you’ll like the final product…you’ll see it in maybe…multiples months :stuck_out_tongue:


Can anyone say ‘pillar of attumn’ from halo

no, but i can spell it :smiley: