Spe is a python IDE with auto-indentation, auto completion, call tips, syntax coloring, syntax highlighting, class explorer, source index, auto todo list, sticky notes, integrated pycrust shell, python file browser, recent file browser, drag&drop, context help, … Special is its blender support with a blender 3d object browser and its ability to run interactively inside blender. Spe is extensible with boa.
This release normally should have been on the blender_ website.
Unfortunately this is not possible. Therefore the latest release
will be available from the link Download latest release under the
calendar of http://spe.pycs.net/index.html
The focus in the spe development for the recent time has been to
make it as stable as possible for Linux. This release should run
without (major) problems outside blender_ in Linux (see also
External bugs). Following information is relative to 0.1.5.c:
- Homepage: http://spe.pycs.net
- Website: http://projects.blender.org/projects/spe/
- Screenshots: http://spe.pycs.net/pictures/index.html
- Forum: http://projects.blender.org/forum/?group_id=30
- RSS feed: http://spe.pycs.net/weblog/rss.xml
:New features:
- linux wrapper script to launch spe from the console
- spe updated for python_ 2.3
- spe help manual (Help menu>Manual)
- help window resizable
- blender_ python_ API documentation added to help menu
- homepage: http://spe.pycs.net (thanks to pyds_ and pycs_)
- webbrowser used for displaying bigger help files in blenpy and spe
- keyboard shortcuts in separate configurable python file
- full python_ 2.2 or 2.3
- wxpython_
- optional blender_ 2.28a (updated!)
:Known Issues:
- Keyboard copy&paste operations in shell are stolen by editor.
:External bugs:
- the Linux blender_ binaries of blender_.org are unfortunately
not compatible with spe. blender_ still uses an old version of
the libpng (1.0.x), while spe requires a newer version.
Therefore compile blender_ from the sources with libpng 1.2.x
to make spe running in blender_. This problem doesn’t apply to
Windows users, as the windows blender_ binary ships strangely
enough already with the new version of libpng.
- View end of line marker fails (probably wxpython_ bug)
- class browser fixed
- usermenu problem
- spe can now close without open documents
- sidebar updates automatically when it gets focus
- enter now doesn’t generate extra spaces with auto-complete
- blender_ 2.28a no longer crashes by exploring the Text window
- no pycrust_ warnings anymore
- todo tab: line scrolling
- about.htm is included (was missing)
- add your own menu help dialog typo
- shortcuts dialog typo
- busy cursor fix
- recent files does not display longer not existing files
- separators added between toolbar buttons
- …and some more 3 minor fixes
- explore tab: text height (Linux)
- font size text dialogs (Linux)
- 11 fixes for visibility problems (mainly Linux)
- README.txt with better instructions for Linux users.
- Tina Hirsch (Linux bug fixing)
- Andrei (feedback) http://project5.tk
- MacOs X tester for MacOs X screenshot
- wxpython_ programmers