SPEAK EASY ARTISTS. Creativity forced to go underground.

In a recent chat with a fellow member of the Elysiun community he explained to me how “it was too long ago he had made something worth looking at in 3D”. I then told him how he was so VERY involved in the community…how his hands are always into everything. If someone posts something he is there to tell them what they have done correctly or what they can do to perhaps make it better. If there is a discussion regarding the interface or new tools to be introduced, that person and a number of other individuals are always there to attend. Everyone notices these individuals because it is evident that their passion exceeds all. I do not believe people realize how much they contribute to the community just by giving feedback alone…not to mention the sharing of not only knowledge of Blender but experience with other 3D packages as well. This type of background is what this community needs for further development with Blender, that is if we as a community wish to compete with rival software companies…which, I might add, we already do. Although, I have noticed that a number of people feel as though we do not yet and will never compete with some of these industry standard 3D apps…well…I feel we compete in a different manner. In a class discussion in my history class the other night we discussed “speak easy’s” (underground groups that manufactured liquor in the U.S. back when it was illegal to distribute). Where am I going with this? Well, there are a number of artists in this industry that are forced to go underground, not because they wish to be categorized with hackers and other malicious organizations, but because they cannot afford quality software to make their dreams a reality. Blender not only rids the 3D industry of piracy, but it offers budding artists and professionals alike with a competitive and legal alternative…and that is what is important…the freedom of choice.


P.S. If you pour your heart into any one thing in life someone will notice. They usually notice when you are so into that one thing that you don’t care if anyone notices at all.

Very well said!!! As for me though i had several modeling packages lincluding Lightwave, A:M, Rhino 3d, and all of them i got free but in the end I enjoyed bledner the most, call me nieve but to me the is the only 3d app I model in and thats all I’ve really ever use blender for… But I guess after 2 and 1/2 years one would know the blender keys enough to not even look at the keyboard to preform any blender command.

And If you consider elysiun to be under ground then well maybe I should move :slight_smile: cuase this is the only 3d forum show my work to…I guess I consider this place to be a great wall from all the super artist’s comment like “your never going to make it”…

I agree wholeheartedly Landis and Sutabi. Except I wouldn’t say that elYsiun is ‘underground’ at all. I have access to Maya5, Max5, Lightwave, ZBrush and of course Blender.

There was a need to go underground before I had the chance to use them all. I spent the first 6 months of my Blending thinking that if I just had a copy of Maya 5 or Max 5, my modeling skills would improve ten fold. How wrong was I? Every time I sat in front of M5 or M5 my head blew up, who give a shit about raytracing if you can’t model anything worth sticking a chrome material on. The price tag alone forces piracy on themselves. Sell it for 25 bucks no one will pirate it.

Blender does break the boundries of piracy by not forcing the need for it. If only the top companies realised that profit isn’t the be all and end all, and release the software as open source. Then after two years recompile the now modified source code (modified by the users) and create the next official edition which will blow away anything they’re top paid designers/coders could create.

Blender will now continue to evolve at an exponential rate because of this method. Heh 2 releases before the Offical release, that’s progress. All it takes is some programmer who’s got a week off from designing whatever, to sit in front of the source code have a poke and a play, compile it and stick it up on the net by the end of the week. Another new and improved version.

Long live Blender, Blend the Planet.


No No No. I wasnt saying that Blender was underground…I was saying that Blender provides an alternative to being an underground artist (an artist who uses pirated software) and that it has been doing so for a very long time…long before Maya and other companies offered their watermark branded alternative (Maya PLE). Not that I am anti-Maya, or against any other 3D app for that matter, its just that Blender has always been what some companies have been getting praised for today…and that is “offering a legal and competitive alternative” for students and proffesionals alike. Hope this clears up any confusion.


Hey Landis :slight_smile:

I see you are on the verge of post ’ 100 ’
can I bring it forward of you :wink: ? lol

I couldn’t agree with you more on this matter,
I don’t type very long sentences here in forums,
too lazy I guess :wink:

I mostly type what is most important…

But I agree that we need heartfull (right word?) people explaining
for other users here and there :slight_smile:

oh well, it is ,morning, I am tired, the coffe haven’t made me awake fully yet :slight_smile:

but hopefully soon!

Well, I hope to see more of this thread when coming back home this afternoon…

math…/me mumbles… :-?

Very true!
I think blender does match up with the other 3-D brands out there, just a few things slow it down a little, give it a few more good goings over and i think it could be a masterpiece!
I certainly can’t afford $3000 for top brand stuff, blender does it just as good in my eyes.
don’t even get me started about online gaming too!

The Blender Community is by far the most helpful software user community I have ever been a part of.

On a side note, It is very useful to look outside the community from time to time for tips and tricks and how-to. Then come back and share what you learned.

Absolutely!!! Where do you think I found the testmap…somewhere out there amongst the world wide web…I like my modified version better but I wouldnt have IT if it wasnt for exploring the forums and websites of other 3D software communities.

Hey Landis,
I don’t think I have seen the “test map”. I like your character work. Nice piece in the CG about you. I just picked up issue 37 of 3D World mag. Lots of good stuff about character animation.

Blender is a funny thing…

I have slightly older version from 3DMax, and it just sat there in my harddrive, un-used. Sure, I starter it couple of times, but did not actually start using it. My greatest 3DMax work is, whoo, a textured cube.

Then, as an act of faith, I stumbled on Blender, and from the reaosn or that another reason, I began to use it. I think that the elYsiun is also to blame, wery easy to get help from here, if one has a problems in using Blender.

So… what do we learn from this? Well. I don’t know… The Blender drove me to do 3D, 3DMAX did not. There is something funny about Blender. :smiley:

Blender mixes talent, joy, community, weirdness, creativity, speedyness, easyness, bwraaargness and kablowyness in one tasty and frisky package

Idea: Let’s promote Blender.


Offer void where prohibited. Does not include the speakers, does not include the amp, does not include ice cream, does not include milk, does not include juice.

I think Ton will be doing that at Siggraph.

I definatly am sending Ton all my best wishes and luck for Siggraph, hopefully something very cool will come of it…

I think the best way to promote Blender for the average user is to work hard at producing awesome work, and then letting that work speak for itself.
I think alot of people use Blender to begin with, and either decide not to do 3D at all or want to move on to another more expen$ive app. So what we get is alot of newbieish images (which is fine) for the impression of what blender can do.
There are a few longtimers (and a few who are new) who can produce awesome results in Blender, but very few have received any decent attention from the rest of the 3D’ing communities (save landis, who got lots of nice compliments from “higher up”…).

If your just a dumb artist like me, and cant help by programing or stuff, then blend your little hearts out and make sweet art. Having awesome Blender produced art is one of the best promotions!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

yeah, i think that the blender community is very unique, and it is also onr of the most important parts of blender. It is the most helpful, usefull thing there is…



Thanx man…your the heat!


…and most of the things that people regret in life are the things they didnt do.
