Specularity over alpha mask?

I have been doing some experimentation and have come up with a problem using an alpha mask. It appears that the alpha will not work with specularity. This image should explain.


I have tried the same in all versions of Blender back to 2.27 with the same result. Anybody else had this problem, and if so is there a solution?


I came acros this before, i think i just made the material shadeless so there was no spec. Sumthing like that. In you image tho it would ruin the rest of the cube, so im not sure what u can do

In the Mirror & Transp panel, turn the “SpecTransp” slider down to 0. This turns off getting spec on see-through parts of the material.

This isn’t a bug - for water and glass etc, even though it’s almost completely transparent, you still get a specularity in real life. That slider is a way to compensate for that in the material.

just use the same image you used for an alpha map as a spec map.

Many thank’s phlip & Modron, both solutions work. It was driving me crazy.
