Speech Bubbles/Speech balloons in GE?

First what I learnt - speech bubbles could be developed using 2D sprites ( something like here http://sites.google.com/site/bgeatelier/2d-sprite-sytem ) and also dynamical text
http://www.tutorialsforblender3d.com/GameDoc/Text/Text_GLSL_Quick.html or http://www.blending-online.co.uk/8501/17001.html

still there are some issues - no multi lines etc.

So the question is - what are other resources which could be helpful in developing speech bubbles to add to persons in game?

I think bzoo had speech bubbles as far as I remember.

I have my own version too, but it does not support multiline but

  • multiple colors (blue text, red text etc.)
  • multilanguage
  • smooth showing up
  • smooth text blending
  • changable bubble meshes
    BUT: it is not online right now

Thanks I’ll take a look at BZoo

BTW - very intresting resources in your sig, will take a look at them too :wink: