Speed Modeling Test

Well, this is my first attempt ever at speed modeling, and i just wanted to see what i could do quickly. honestly, i dont really know what this is supposed to be, but i like it. mabye an old, sad man or it kinda reminds me of an owl or something? i dunno.

45 min.(w/distractions :] )

Wow, its really not bad!

get yerself on IRC for some speed modeling contests!

Check out our board for details.

Seriously, thats really good for 45 min…

Are you feeling sad or depressed? Maybe this is your sub-conscious way of seeking help.

Nice model

theres a knife to my wrist as we speak.
no, not really.

it was originally supposed to be something(i dont know what) happy, but when i started to make the eyes, it started looking sad…so i just went with it.