Speed up Video time???

Hey all,

I’m trying to create some time lapse video tutorials i’ve recorded of “blender” and “gimp & inkscape”…ironically i don’t know what to do really :slight_smile:

I thought i would load the videos into the sequencer and just edit the time ipo…but for some reason i cant access the time ipo…what am i doing wrong?

Should i being using the compisite node, time…

can anyone advise me on what apporach to take??

Ok… So i was going about this all wrong…it neither way i figured it would be …

Actually its called the speed control effect…did not know this…

in the sequencer, select your strip…Go->add–>effect—>speed control…and choose your different options…

either slow down or speed up time…you can also convert frameRates like this… any way found some really good screenCasts for the video sequencer…


for any beginners out there like me :slight_smile:
