
I’m having issues installing this addon. I’m going through the typical way to install add-ons but I’m not getting the result I’d expect so I must be missing something. Could someone assist me? What do I need to do exactly?

I find that if I add a color ramp in the brush texture under ‘Colors’ ,using the default black 0 alpha to white full alpha, that if I press the <-> key then I can reverse the way the brush image works as far as alphas. I tried the ‘Invert’ alpha in the Image Sampling tab and that just made giant spikes.

Look if you have a speedsculpt directory in your addons folder and remove it.
Then, look if you don’t have a zip in a zip, maybe you downloaded a zip from gumroad and not the normal zip.

That’s exactly what I did. I bought the blender addon from gumroad. So once I download it, whats the next step? Create a speedsculpt folder in the add on directory?

Nope, check if you have the folder in the zip, then install from file in the blender preferences.

But beforce, check your addon directory if there is no speedsculpt folder and delete it.

Any chance we can get the Detail Percentage to follow the dyntopo settings with the other 2 modes besides constant? I prefer the Brush Detail size but the tool shelf nor property shelf change with anything but constant.

Sorry to keep asking about this. But to update when I unzip, it just has the .py scripts and that’s all. … it’s that how it should be?

You don’t need to unzip it. Blender works with the zipped files on its own. Click on the install addons button then find the zipped file for this addon and it will be ready to go. If you unzip them before hand you have to manually drag and drop it in the correct folder for your OS.

I already did it, just have to check and update the build.
Keep in mind that only constant detail works with detail flood fill, so the code go in constant detail and come back to brush detail.

Got it. It’s working now. Sorry for the continual bothersome (Beginner) Questions. I look forward to delving into using this.


I’m working on my website so the documenttion is not working really well for now.

Sculpt doodle I made using this plugin.

Funny beast ^^

Bought SculptTools today. Great add-on! Love the straightforward controls. More Blender workflow should be like this.


I just noticed that the SpeedSculpt cylinder and cone objects are very flat when I create them after unchecking the Update checkbox. They do have the right proportions when I leave the Update box checked.

Is this a known issue, and is there something I can do about it? I’m using Blender 2.78c for MacOS.

Here’s a screenshot:


Disable the smooth :wink:

I’m working on the next update !

One simple feature I needed.


Ah! Merci! :smiley:

Cool! Nice, speedy way of copying a part.

What do you think about that guys ?

New tools with Mask, Extract, Cut, Duplicate and remove.
