Sphere mirror help aspects

In blender 2.28c the env maps are set up much easier to use. however i was wondering if there was a way to change the aspect ratio of the env map. for instance.

i want a sphere mirror. in a real sphere mirror you can see the top of the room the bottom of the room, the sides and the back. only a small portion of the back is missing.

with blender it seems to only get the back. like changing the lens from 35 to 70 ect… or visa versa. like more of a fish eye view???

is there a way to do this??

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I find EnvMaps working right… Are you using the correct mapping (Refl not Nor) for the Coordinate transformation?


lol. yes it was nor not refl. now it works just fine. thx, its been a while since i have used blender. now if i can just figure out this new radoisty i might come up iwth some cool pictures