Spider Daddy!


All right! Now that was a shock! :spin:
Make the eyes more obvious and more malevolent!
Good job!

Wow the hair is nasty looking. Good Job!
Btu the eyes do need a little work and maybe brighten (or darken) up things a little too.

Scary. Just add some dead prey about to be eaten, or a drop of venom/drool (whatever spiders have) to add to that feeling.

Ahh!!! Run!!! LOL good job! :slight_smile:

A few things I would change:

  1. Soften the lighting a little, and try to lighten up the shadow under him.

  2. Work on those eyes, a jumping spider has 8 for starters, that might improve him a little.

  3. work on the legs some, they look too much like thin cones.

Keep up the good work!

greate hairs…

try to add some sss on hairs… and add some indirect lightning…

Scary! Better light setup is in order and some DOF would make it more realistic and give it better sense of scale

Nice! I would make the end of particles thiner a litle.