spider mech


Here is a mechanical spider I created today. I consider it pretty much finished (and don’t feel like texturing it), but c&c is always welcome :wink:




Looks great, it would be nice to see a Yafray anim of him. I especially like the shape of the head. really very spider-like.

very nice… u did a great job on the render :S u dindt even gave him a soft grey collor or something?

thx, people :smiley:
that’s one of the nice things about yafray, just use a std hemilight and you can get decent results for mechanical stuff
all I do is postprocess the saturation, histogam, … to my liking
anyway, here is a detail shot of the head, enjoy



thats so cool. would be cool to see textures… maybe some other day :wink:

Love the model. But if your using yafray then wouldn’t it be simple enough to add a chrome affect to the metal, that would look cool.

Crimson - this is great, was it taken with blenders internal renderer or was it an external renderer? Anyways, I think the details is what makes the model so great.

that knocks mine out of the water.


Wiggie: that knocks mine out of the water.

looks like it could be a group of child spiders for mine :wink:

Lived: But if your using yafray then wouldn’t it be simple enough to add a chrome affect to the metal, that would look cool.

Just last week I started digging in the Yafray XML tags to mess with materials (unfortunately the documentation is lacking). I have a few ideas I will try out though.


Very nicely done. Only crit I have is all those sharp edges. Bevel those and it will be awesome.


WOW! That’s awesome! I never figured out how to get yafray to work… :smiley:

Have you done any rigging? Or do you prefer to have a stationary spider drone? I’d love to see it roaming around; even untextured.

ooh… it’s beautiful. I really like the design.

if you really dont want to texture it, post the blend and I’ll slap some procedurals to it :slight_smile: it deserves colors.


just played with some basic coloring :wink:

(I know, there is a small bug, it seems yable ate an object on one of my legs)

Samoht: Have you done any rigging?

no, not yet :frowning:

anyway, I put the blend file up, so feel free to experiment at will:
it’s not complete yet though (some pieces are very rough, there is no object tree, no rigging, …)


evil, but the eyes need to stand out a bit more, and the joints need chrome

I like it how it is. I don’t think I’d care for it as much with chrome. Btw, if Yable ate your object, maybe you could use extractor on it instead.

hint hint to the coders… :wink:

beveling would be easy if all we need to do is apply weights to subsurfs :wink:

Modron: Btw, if Yable ate your object, maybe you could use extractor on it instead.

Yeah, I guess I should; it’s not the first time an object is misplaced by yafray and I don’t use all the ‘advanced’ features, like assigning materials and lights (I use simple notepad for that :smiley: )


Here is my final render :slight_smile:
(maybe some day I’ll animate him)

