Spider[update]... It twitches and moves Forward

I think the other one will be done before mine;

Sorry about the freebie site link, just turn on your pop-up blocker and click.

I was thinking of how to model the eyes… and then decided to try animating it first… My Comp cant handle the 45 Bones I initially tried to use, see here[ Armature Slowdown? ]

But if anyone has a suggestion on animating spiders for the Game Engine… I’m all ears. [errr eyes cuz its a post, being read]

Speaking of eyes anyone know how one would go about modelling eyes like the ones in my avatar?

If you like these

It’s a Icosphere with dupliverded spheres of high alpha material with an envmap and make sheen area opaque stuff.



Nice work!

Can that be done with UV Texturing?
Or is that strictly a static scene kinda thing?

Is that another sphere inside that can be seen through the transparency or is that all done on one icosphere?

Mmm… I guess you can bake it into an UV texture somehow, but it will look fake because specular highlights won’t move the right way…

Moreover I’m not in Game Engine, I don’t even know if you can use Alpha maps there…


I just looked and made a small black icosphere inside of a larger one that was transparent, with a reddish tint.

And it shows up pretty well in the game engine. Not nearly as well as I would want. But it was just a quick and dirty test to see if I could make transparent UV Textures.

Of course, the more I add to this little monstrosity the more it becomes less and less likely that it will get animated. There is no practical gaming application that could survive a 20 Megabyte behemoth trampling through its terrain… LOL.

Now I have to figure out how to UV Texture specific shapes, like say a small red hourglass onto a large black spider.

Stefano your work is good, but the eye you created is an insect eye (though i think it’s look very much like a raspberry :wink: ), it’s called complex eye, while spiders have about 4-8 separate eyes which arn’t complex like thus:

Nice spider, but you’ve got a little problem to put it into a game. Did you ever asked yoursef why characters in games doesn’t show up like high polygon character in renders? It’s because of there vertices. Every 3D object has got some points called vertices, the more you have, the more your computer has to work to let you see that 3D object. In games there’s a max of vertices, the unreal tournament 2003 engine has 100.000 max of vertices, and blender 10.000, So a 3D character for a game must be low polygon (not many vertices), I made many game characters, and it’s the best to keep them with a max of 200 or 250 vertices. So a spider with 9.000 vertices should really slow down your game. So notice you can’t set that spider in a game until he’s lowpoly. And notice that subsurf can’t be done in the Blender game engine, but there’s a way to do it in topohuu engine with a python script.

But your spider looks really nice, I hope you finish his eye’s soon. :smiley: Keep blending.

Greetz jd-multi

as far as putting him in a game goes, my comp cant handle 1000 vertices, plus an armature of 45 bones, an assortment of previous pieces in different layers, and all the other crud.

I’m thinking some good UV Texturing is gonna be needed… LOL!

Well, after fiddling with the eyes a little and testing individual eye modeling against UV Texturing an icosphere I went back to my Armature problem.


Deleting the bones and starting over from scratch helped clear away the misconceived notion of animating every segment with its own bone…

Actually, 18 bones worked fine.
And, Oto’s animation Tutorial helped me get some progress done on the actual in game movement. LOL! A little torgue sent my poor spider flying head over heels over my Dirt covered plane. But then after some fine tuning I got the thing to move forward, left, and right.

But, it bounces… laughably so. I need to look over the pointy ball game again. There was a setting in the materials window that controlled the bounce factor. But, seeing as I animated my Armature and made that the dynamic actor… I cant get any buttons to even show up… If anyone knows where I can find more animation and game tutorials please feel free to post em’.

I’ve read the Maze one to make my ‘pointy ball in a box of letters game’ and Oto’s to animate my spider… But I forget where I saw some other ones. Anyone know of something specific to SPIDERS!?