Spikey Mesh from Weight Painting!

Excuse me for my newbie question. I’ve been trying to set up my first rigged character, and after parenting the armature to the mesh, the arms of my character went askew. So I went into Weight Paint mode and started painting the red areas to match the blue areas that were attached and working properly. All went well except that there are some spikey points sticking out that I can’t get rid of.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not enough info supplied. Please post at least an image explaining your problem or best, your .blend file.

Maybe you need to tweak further your weights. It seems you added vertices to their proper bones, but did you remove them from the improper bones?

I tried to post an image but the site wasn’t accepting it at the time. Anyway, I was finally able to fix it. There were a few vertices with the wrong values that I couldn’t access with the weight brush until I unjoined a few objects.

Thanks for that bit about vertex groups… it helped me solve another problem I was having.