Spilling the beans -+Image refactor+- Many thanks Ton

Hey check it out…
I have been waiting for this all week. http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Imaging.834.0.html
Really looking forward to using this. And seeing where this gets taken.
Compositing taken to a new level. Endless screens fill with thanks.

I have no idea what this means but I really wish I did. :o

This it’s great… :slight_smile:

If you could post an example or explain what the multilayer image is used for that would be great.

I rendered a simple three node network (render layer + image + alpha over), and saved it in multilayer format. When I load that image back in I see a Render Layer / Composite choice at the bottom of the image. Aside from that, I have no idea what it would be used for.


haha, praise multi layer UV.

oh crap. I just got done rewriting the wiki for 2.42 and single layer UV. I guess it’s gonna be update time again soon…

I really wish Ton and all them would just stop making all these upgrades and adding all these features. Don’t they know how hard it is to learn the new features, and then explain it in a User Manual? Geez…have a heart guys. Just stop now :slight_smile:

I am sure there are tons of uses for this. But for effects touch up and basicly compositing its great. I haven’t used gimp gap much. But this is better cause its intergrated.
Embrassed to show cause its just messing around. Will post a better file in a few minutes.
I was playing with a sequence of files that I converted to .tga’s. And it turning the paint tool on I was able to go frame by frame and do touch up. More messing up (just testing).

Then I was able to pipe it to the compositor and make a movie file.
Haven’t tried movie in and out but I think that it works.

trying to figure out how the clone in the image editor paint tool works… Any tips?

hmm, forgive the noobish question, but how exactly do you save a multilayer openexr file, couldn’t find the option anywhere.

Ok here is a little video paint i did from my camera phone of my daughter. I just blurred around her. I probably didnt get a few things right(frame rate, file format, etc). But the file is small under 512k. I haven’t figured everything out thats for sure. Including EXR. The build I have was from graphicall.org. I dont think it had full ffmpeg support. Havent played with the openexr yet,
Also try out uploader. Will see. If you can see this.

Oh here is a little of the process…

  1. Opened the movie in the seq
  2. Edited it and exported it to. a seq of .pngs
  3. Opened them as seq in the image editor
  4. Open the paint tools and blurred around and advanced through the frames doing the same
  5. Opened nodes and output the image editor to a file

By “paint tools”, do you mean the icon in the image editor header with the tooltip “Enables painting textures on the image” ? When I click that I can only draw a white line …hmm I clicked something else (Draw image with alpha button ?) … and now the color changed to ManCandy’s skin color (picture was of ManCandy).

M@dcow, the MultiLayer format is under the Scene (F10) buttons, Format Panel ("Tiff, Multilayer, OpenEXR…)


Here is where I mean…

How did you get that Image Paint panel ?


EDIT I just started pressing keys and “C” popped the panel up. :slight_smile:

Under the view tab.
or C I think. there are other goodies. Curves for editing color.


As I didn’t expect to see these great new changes (I thought we had more than enough new features for a release!) so I went and looked up what else is in store…

So now I am wondering if anyone knows what this planned “Custom Mesh Layers” feature is as well as the “ID properties” system?


Looking forward to a Christmas release candidate with all these nice new features!


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I don’t know what the “Custom Mesh Layers” is, I did a bit of searchng, but couldn’t find it.

The ID properties is documented here :


You can test and play with these features in a CVS build (if you didn’t know that).


I wonder if its for better interoperability. For exporting to new renders, or to other programs and just for blender to store stuff better. Also might allow us to do the hide stuff from the render in outliner and such? That is what I am guessing. I think that you can actually hide stuff using the id name. Mesh layers, dont know…

More tasty morsels… http://uploader.polorix.net//files/113/image%20editor.jpg
Playing around with openexr files… http://www.openexr.com/samples.html
Very cool.
There is so much. Contrast to work with. Using the curves adjust tool you can see whats hiding in the dark.

Would this allow for resizing / moving images? If so I can stop coveting After Effects!

Yes you can resize and translate images.
and when we have motion tracking… Hopefully autoroto mattes.

Oh, oh. Do we also get IPOs for nodes?