Spin tool animation.

I’m trying to make an animation to show te layers of the earth, what I need is essentially this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaAoE_qHHTE&feature=youtu.be (sorry for the poor quality). However this is made in edit mode and can’t be keyframed in the dopesheet. Any thoughts on how to animate something that looks like it? I’m very new to blender so any tool suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks guys!

Hi laRata, welcome to the forum!

I would approach this with an armature, but then again, that’s my preferred way to do everything in blender, if I can.

See the attached file. In it, I create a 4 bone armature to open a sphere like I think your video shows. It’s a quick, down n dirty example, and could use tons of refinement.

Shape keys might also work… depends upon how dense the mesh needs to be as to how easy that would be.



Sphere_open.blend (452 KB)