Spires, an iOS game that used Blender for production

Yaaay, BA is back!

So what I wanted to mention while the site was down is that my newest iPhone game Spires dropped! It’s a fantasy Tower Defense game with a story as well as multiple puzzle modes. It’s only a dollar, so if you’d like to help your local indie out, grab it! http://bit.ly/getspires

I used Blender extensively for the game’s sprite production. Some info on our process will be detailed over the next few weeks on our blog http://www.propheticsky.com but if you’ve got any production questions, ask 'em here!

Very nice gfx work!
A little while ago, i’ve started to develop apps too so i’m spending more time in on iTunes but seriously, your graphic work is outstanding :slight_smile:

good job.
good luck to you!

Thanks dudes!

We just got a new review in. Check it out: http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/iPhone/Spires/review.asp?c=27777

Hey guys! Spires HD just went live, with optimized graphics for iPads and retina iPhones. Also added a ton more Survival maps, Extreme difficulty, and the new Siege mode.

Check it out! http://bit.ly/GetSpiresHD