Hi! It’s still quite some things lacking with this model (the hole scene is 30% done). But i figured i could post it to get some feedback. I’m using this plane to learn all the different sides of Blender (UV map, bump, disp. subsurf. Particleclouds and animation are yet to come so that i can work on more freeminded stuff and won’t have to bother too much figuring out stuff…
My biggest struggle is a good imagemap (with dirt and so on) and how to make the seam shown in the picture between the wing and the main body disappear while texturing… The wings are still awkward
If i’d do it again, i would make them from one subsurf, but i don’t want to go back
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I agree about the spitfire being the most beautiful plane ever. It has been my favorite since i modeled with glue and paint as a kid…
I was planning to learn animation with it. Some nice loops and throught the clouds/just above water animations and then edit them together with some sound maybe. Time will tell if I’ve undertaken a monsterproject compared to my skills. But first step is a stil. I’ve seen a small tutorial somewhere about making clouds with particles. I wanted to take on a project that i would learn as much as possible about Blenders features for later reference. First off is trying to understand the modeling tools and the material/textures…
It’s been a while since i’ve worked with the model, but i’ve finally have gotten some time and started the detailed uvmapping…
(The bumpmap is an old one, i’ll take that in the end…) By the way, is there any way to limit the depth the bumpmap will go? I’ve noticed that it gived a inverted bump on the other side of the main body. (The main body is one object)
There is still quite some work to be done… C&C welcomed!
Hmm- seems to be comping along quite nicely :P. The overall model, though basic, is pretty nice, but I think that the UVMAP could use some work. The colors are FAR too bright.
Also- I’d like to ask a quick question. Exactly how did you go about UV mapping your plane? I don’t know how to properly UV map certain models. I mean, I UV mapped the lamp below, just fine. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y62/Icarus_suracI/lamp_bg_1.jpg)
But whenever I try unwraping the model, it either comes out a jumble of little polygons, or, if I add a seam, the map looks horribly distorted. Do you think you can point me toward some sort of UV mapping tut? Or maybe give me a basic run-down of how you did it?
About the spitfire… I agree, the uvmaps needs a workover. I’ll try to darken the colors and add more contrast to the dirtlayers (and turn them on :P). Any suggestions to other improvments? I’m gone model the exhost and tailwheel soon, but agree that it looks basic. My biggest struggle is to give it more “depth”…
Ok, thank you :). As for any other suggestions- what about rivets? I think your model would look alot cooler if there were actual rivets lining the body. I’m wondering- could you use the ‘duplivert’ tool to do that?
Edit- Damn- I’ve already read that tutorial. I’ll re-read it, but I’m quite positive I’ve already done that one. I know (somewhat) how seams function, but I never seem to be able to apply them to more complex models, and get them to work correctly…
I’m planning to add rivets to the frame when i start adding more detail to the plane through the bumpmaps. Here is a test i did, hardly noticable, and i’ve gone quite close on this one…
I’ve turned on the dirt layers for the uv map now, so the surface color is better, but it’s not right there yet. I’ll try to work more on it tomorrow.
There is a link to a video tutorial on uv mapping on the end of that page. That might be helpful. From my own experience multiple seams which “cuts” the model on various key places works the best. That helps not making the model becom a big lump…
Stouckol: Thanks! Yes, the lighting sucks and i’m still wondering how to do light this scene actually. The blue background was more to show the idea. I’m planning to ad the ocean there to give height and depth to the picture, but for now it’s a boring blue plane
About the lighting try using ambient occlusion (I suppose you want to use blender internal renderer and not yafray) and make a more subtle light blue for the sky.
After looking into the “stretched dirt” I figured that i want to resize and reorganize the uv maps. Now they have too little resolution to be able to ad details like more define dirt, rivets, and stuff…
Duke Forever: I use ambient occlusion, but i havn’t done too much with the lighting yet. The spitfire model itself demands too much attentions with it’s pesky uv and bump maps
I’m more or less finished with the modeling of the plane (C&C on the model still welcome!!), i need to finished the textures and uvmaps and then i’m very close to wrapping this stuff up!! Gosh, this stuff is time consuming…
Added minor details, but they really help in making it more real looking. The uvmaps are now almost 3 times larger, which helps the bumpmapping and will help in adding more detail to the plane…