Splatter Blood Camera Scene problem

I,m traying fade out the splatter blood scene but the alpha channel not working fine. the key effect just work not accurate for create animation to fade.He start fade then cut all the picture disapear from screen.Need know if can correct with fcurves.
I try use like a picture script own.color.w -= 0.015 reduce after incrise increment value and without sucess.

Vdieo here


make sure the alpha is set to blend (not clip).

i cant help without seeing a detailed setup.

setup i create effect image on gimp.then with canal alpha active export like png.Yes i using alpha clip with try alpha blend

Alpha clip is better for a lot of objects in game but in this case alpha blend pem! :slight_smile:


? Check your console it wil give errors

so you checked color in the objects materials? And w stands for? what you need for alpha [r,g,b,a]

own.color = [0,0,0,0] #invisible
own.color[3] += 0.1
own.color = [0,0,0,1]#visible

own.color.w - w is a alpha like vector color

color vector xyzw - rgba

my problem was cause I using alpha clip in setup properties now changed to alpha blend solved