Spline Curve Tilt required whenusung Array + Curve Modifier?

Hello, ist my first post and I hope I got the category right.

I’ve been using array- and curve-modifier successful so far, but the bezier curve for the curve motivier has always be 2d so far (z coordinate always zero).

I now tried with a bezier curve which I first laid out in 2d and then changed the z coordinate of each control point as required.
If I now use a plane mesh, add modifier array and modifier curve with the 3d bezier to it, I notice the plane is strangely tilted. I can fix it by tilting each control point manually, but I wonder what the problem is in the first place, why is there a tilt happening ?

Beziers havea natural tilt to them to “follow” the line of the curve, so when you parent an object, it responds accordingly as you have to factor in changes in Z, not just the X/Y. If you set the handles to aligned you can sort of see how it’s going to tilt.
You can see from this, whether it’s a curve with a profile, or an arrayed mesh, you will always get a tilt when working in x/y/z.

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Thank you! I today found the solution (as good as it gets) with the Object Data Property of the Bezier, setting Twist Method to Z-Up keeps your array elements nicely flat, as long as they are 2d.

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