Spline IK problem

I created a tail for a T-rex using a Spline IK. But when I attached it to the pelvic bone, the first bone in the tail doesn’t stay firmly attached to the pelvis It strays a bit. The curve itself stays attached to the pelvis, but the bone is wandering a bit off of the curve.

The vid below shows it…


Is there a setting somewhere that I’m missing? What’s odd is that when I select the Chain Offset option in the Spline IK panel, the straying goes away, but the tail is pointed 90 degrees to the side.

Steve S

Can you post a simplified version of a Blend with this issue for others to test?

Here ya go. Note: What I referred to as the pelvis bone above, is really called the Tailbone in the blend file.

Steve S


Splinetest.blend (949 KB)

This looks like a slight cyclic-dependency induced “lag”.

See the “tips for nice setups” under:

IIRC the demo file there should be set up in the right way to demonstrate the way to do this.

Thanks for the replies. According to Aligorith’s link, the bone which anchors the curve needs to be in a separate armature. I’ve got it in the same armature as the rest of the rig. I’ll see if that fixes it.

Steve S

I think I may use this guy’s technique using b-bones.

A quick test looked pretty good.

Steve S