Split a blend file into several files

I have several “big” blend files that I want to split by object or Collection to several smaller ones
Each new one with original object/collection name
What is the best method ?
Is there any addon to do that ?
Many thanks and have a great day

Old script I made here python - Save Collections as separate blend file - Blender Stack Exchange might be enough for you.

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many thanks !
i’ll try it !

I made some tests : its works like a charm, many thanks !
What a time saver !
Would it be possible to have same results with object instead collection (I’m very lazzy :grinning:)
One more time, thanks !

EDIT : or a script that put each object in his own collection …

If I recall correctly (at my age that’s not often) while you can do similar for individual objects, you won’t be able to identify which collection the objects came from so you wouldn’t be able to name your output files CollectionName-ObjectName.blend

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I found a solution at : https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/221816/how-to-put-similar-named-objects-into-collection-in-python
it create a new collection for each objet, and works cery well for me !
One more time, many thanks for your help !

You can open a new file and File > Append …
This lets you go INSIDE the original file and select either collections or meshes. Or anything else in the file. This will allow you to bring what you selected into the file you are in.
You will need to remove the appended items from the original.

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Many thanks !
I perfer first method when thre is a lot a objects, its a lot faster :grinning:

  1. with the 2nd script I put each oject into a collection
  2. with the first script I save each collection into a file
    For few object your solution would be better