SpongeBob Squarepants

I just thought it would be fun to do in 3d, although its pretty simple.


Great job on the texturing. UV mapped I presume?

One thing though. For being a sponge, he should have the holes in the sponge modelled IMO. Just using the texture for that just doen’t do the job.

Great work all around.


I agree with BgDM here. The UV mapping looks great, but it doesn’t make him look his best. One thing that bugs me is his mouth and tie. There are no depth to them. But other than that, the model is great. Keep up the good work.

Nice Model.

Nick V

Thanks. What does IMO mean? Yes, everything is UVmap. how can i make the holes? using booleans?


IMO = in my oppinion, it looks good… but i assume u uv-mapped only 5 faces, asa cube, then subdivided, and noised it? rightt? keep it up :smiley:

actually there are 4 faces for the clothes and 5 for the head UV mapped, for the head i made a cube and scaled up the 4 top vertices, then I subdivided once, then subdivide smooth and then fractal. Finally, subsurf. only the head, clothes and legs are uvmapped.

He has fingers you know, and you should toon shade that, it would make it look nice. :slight_smile:

Either than that, it’s pretty cool :slight_smile:

I tried but i don’t know how to make the fingers… everyone says “Subdivide and Extrude” but still it doesnt work for me they look weird. Is there like a mini tutorial on how to use the toon shading?

well i guess that i am not the only one who has modeled spongebob i think your version is better. but if you want to compare here you go…


I like how you made the fingers and i liked how everything is in 3d… I used mostly textures, on the other hand. i made some compositing too, heres the file:
