nothing else worth mentioning, look out for people who’ve made giant cocks
nothing else worth mentioning, look out for people who’ve made giant cocks
Who made giant WHAT!!!?
Does material like this have to be made for every freaken game that allows custom content, there was the naked suits for the Sims for starters.
Anyway, I wonder if Dragons are possible in Spore, I would love to have fire breathing Dragons beating the crap out of those giant…thingies.
Yes, dragons are possible, but they won’t be able to breath fire. This game is looking very promising. I’m just glad that you will be able to choose what types of creatures are downloaded.
Here is my profile, in case anyone is interested.
I was going to as well, but decided there were enough people out there making massive dicks already so I just went back to studying. I wonder how many different penisses there are already though, because I believe this is part of a pretty massive effort to mess with spore lol.
p.s. what’s so bad about naked sims? I mean, I assume you’re naked underneath your clothing as well.
The Sporpedia has over 100,000 now.
That number’s going to explode when the full version of the Creature Creator comes out later today. :eek:
Oh man, if you know where to look, some people have seriously gone overboard with the offensiveness of their creations. I lol’d… hard.
The freedom to allow people to create anything comes at a price once again.
Pretty cool, i downloaded it (the free trial) yesterday and made a few creatures.
CD is going to love it, i bet hell make a lot of dragons.
Cant wait to see the full game released in September.
The price being?
The cunt-a-saura-rex, for instance, is see the spore people are taking some of them down, but now its all over youtube aswell.
That said, some of the creations are incredible.
Yeh its pretty predictable that people do that.
I dont know how there going to monitor all the creatures that are made.
Im looking forward to someone working out how to mod and add custom parts, especially if we can use Blender. That would give us nearly 100% creative control.
I highly doubt that, the creature editor is totally alien from any other modelling app. It procedurally generates walking, talking and dance animations to whatever you make, IN SECONDS.
I imagine that the coding on it is pretty secure aswell so converting file types would be out of the question to.
If it is secure - then no doubt there are folks out to emulate it, if not downright getting to the brutal of copyright infringement. And ofcourse it is a good idea, so expect it served in various forms over the coming years.
Of course people are making dick creatures.
Making a vagina monster would be very difficult for the majority of people making these who will never see one
wow, i just saw a cow dildo =/
cool I’ve been messing around with the free version of the creature creator.
once the full Spore game come out, I would buy it right away I’m not going to buy the full creature creator since it wll already be included in the full game itself.
my profile is
haven’t updated it at all yet but will do so soon.
CD, search for MelonDevil in the sporepedia. it a dragon-like creature. looks cool
There’s been alot of pokemon and letter creatures. One user called “Cheetah” has made almost the entire alphabet.
I read on CGTalk that EA is warning and banning users that are making walking porn creatures.
At least Maxis and EA is doing all they can to prevent the game from getting an AO rating.
True, but i meant modding the ‘mesh objects’ and not all the other stuff, which would be very difficult in itself. But you never know, there might be inbuilt support for minor modding like that. If not, it could still be possible, just difficult… We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
Yes, they are… they deleted my jumbone it was truley a work of art. with it’s jumbone flopping everywhere it was funny i was laughing so hard when it danced… but I’m slightly demented.
After reading all the horror stories about people having trouble downloading the full version of the Creature Creature, I decided to pick a physical copy up at GameStop.
So far I have two creatures that I’m happy with, but I haven’t uploading them yet.
One’s a purple big-mouthed, four-legged, two-armed thing that I haven’t given a name to yet.
The other one I called a “Reacher” because of it’s long arms going upward and it’s mouth is on it’s tail. That one is my most alien-looking one so far.
I probably upload them tonight or tomorrow morning.
My Sporepedia screen name is “Tylium_Ore” (guess where I got that from :D).