Spot the odd one out

Spot the odd one out!

I don’t think anyone has ever described me as continuous improvement. I so, I wouldn’t want to work alongside a bunch of trendy HR lingo spewing numbnuts that do. :smiley: I’m surprised they didn’t say multi-tasker. That’s just another way of saying you’re doing the job formerly done by 15 people, but only get paid half of what the last person made. :smiley:

Lol, no one every said one of those words to me. And don’t try to say one. :smiley:

Proactive seems to be the new buzzword lately. At least in the NorthEast U.S… I am really getting sick of hearing people say, “Be proactive,not reactive!”. Take the ball and run with it. Be innovative.
I mean, really. I thought cheese went out with the 80’s.

Yes, these all sound like the jargon of corporate America, something which I avoid religiously. :-?

well considering i am all of them then i don’t care

but its annoying they didn’t mentiona waht you would be doing.

it sounds like the add for a presure salesman


Is it Computer literate?

We all know the best movie related to corporate jargon is Mike Judge’s Office Space. If you haven’t seen it, see it.

Give that man an eyebrow!
Hey, I’m feeling generous. Give him two!

That was the only phrase in the entire add that wasn’t a buzzword - and the only thing that even gave a clue about what the job would be about.

Ha ha! I feel the need to synergize!

It also sounds like words used in a Dilbert office meeting. :smiley:



- Computer literate <—odd one.



How about leveraging the synergy to add value and empower yourself?

Woah woah woah…before you do that you have to network and have a meeting about what’s good for the company. Didn’t you get that memo?

You know, about those TPS reports… :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah…ummm…I’m gonna have to go ahead and uhhh…ask you to come on in on Saturday. Yeaaahhh…that’d be great. Thanks!

This is! This is! This is a suck!

Restructuring and downsizing are very doable strategies.

So it looks like cree did a look over of the company memo. HaHa. Gold star for you.

I heard a really good one today. Disciplined Management Practices. That’s a particular nasty corporation’s way of saying fire and blackball whoever complains about unsafe working conditions such as workers getting crushed in the conveyor because the company is too cheap to install a safety guard plates to prevent people from getting caught in the rollers.