SPREE - a destructive driving mini-game

Hey all,
I’ve taken a moment from my FPS to realise a long standing idea i’ve had for a driving game; I like to think there’s an interesting twist, because my recent FPS work has introduced elements of a person-based game into a Driving game; meaning it’s not based around purely the road, but has an element of adventure to it, it’s a curious combination, I like to think it works… :smiley:
Thanks Martinsh for the filters (HDR and DoF)


Unfortunately FRAPS won’t record when I’m using this file, it’s fine with others though (maybe the overhead produced by using the Vehicle Wrapper? even though it is quite miniscule, it’s the only difference between this file and my others that record fine…)

The future for this holds better/more/bigger maps (the current is just something I made to demonstrate the idea, there is no real thought to it), a speedometer, points for destruction! :smiley: perhaps some NPC’s as it were… (not my most favourite task…)

I have also crafted a rythme based music game :smiley: (:rolleyes: I heard that sigh!), at the same dev stage (early) as this…
It has a little bit of technical work to do, in terms of getting more coherent note formations, patterns, etc, then more songs, menu, DONE…!


watch the forums, a new force is coming… mediocre games; some inspired, some original, some blatently unsubtle, but all in a single collection! :smiley:

After this, sometime next week perhaps, I will start a new thread to act as a home for all my current projects… (I don’t want to keep clogging up the forum)…

If you’ve made it this far ^.^ thanks for reading! :smiley: (I’d love some feedback, even just one word… crappy, good, a’ight, whatever floats your boat…)

NOTE - The brake pads begin to glow when braking, but you can’t see the awesome fading from just pictures… :cool: