Spring Constraint

Hi all!
Iv’e seen a constraint called “Spring Constraint” which is really cool, (I think 3dsMax have it) basically is a copy rotation constraint with damping and bouncyness, with which you can do softbody animations without the need of simulation. Quite elegant and flexible, but it seems like it’d development stalled and never made it into trunk. Not that long ago Sergey Sharbin commented on the blender developers page that the code wasn’t optimal.
Does anybody know something about it or would some one like to pick it up and coninue developing it?

or is there some other way of getting something similar with constraints, not simulations?

There was one listed in this thread: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?377761-Improving-Rigging-features-in-Blender/page5

I have not used it, but it looks promising.

Good luck!

thank you so much DanPro, I’ll check it!

It’s a shame that it still uses soft body dynamics though :no:

Or is there a way of baking vertex animation for using softbody animation into, let’s say Unity? Maybe mesh cahe? Anybody knows how to do that?