player 1
W - move forward
S - move backward
F - swing left arm
G - swing right arm
player 2
O - move forward
L - move backward
, - swing left arm
. - swing right arm
-characters pass through each other; this causes the characters to mess up sometimes
(It’s the legs)
I did a little “mod” to this. it’s called “sword n staff”. I’m keeping this and the original separate. I dont think i will be doing anymore to this, but if someone wants to mod it, then free feel to mod it, and tell me in this thread about it.
But now, what’s new? Nothing essentially new, basically it’s the same. BUT now the other character has a sword and a shield and a cloak, while the other one has a staff. Problem with the staff is that it’s inaccurate…
and the magic-user new button:
minus button (the button on the leftside of right shift) - fire fireballs
btw, do my sword, shield an staff look like sword, shield, an staff?
weird, when i downloaded them, both of them, the characters limbs weren’t connected. I would push the forward button, and the two feet would move, and the character would collapse, I could still rotate the arms, but that didnt do much on the floor, this happened with both characters and in sword and staff
I made this with 2.43 RC1. I dont know would it work with the previews. But i just downloaded the new preview 12, so im gonna try out how would lightmaps work with this. but, for now, keep blendin.