Squaid Ink Energy Drink - First blender project ever :D

Hello Blender Artists! I posted a question on here not so long ago about how my textures weren’t displaying properly, but I’m glad to announce that it’s all solved, and even finished now!

I want to share my very first Blender Animation!
I honestly had no idea how realistic you could make things look with this software this easily, if I had known I’d start earlier. I’m glad to say that I’ve fallen in love with blender and will undoubtedly incorporate it in my workflow.

It took me about 2 weeks to learn how to use it to create the above results. I produced the “Made to inspire” text, the rain, and the sparkle on the can in Adobe After Effects. I know it’s a long time and a lot of things can without a doubt be improved. :confounded:

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Edit: I was planning to make the text and logo on the can be much more reflective than the black on the can (I actually wanted the black on the can to be rather matte). I used the text as a transparent PNG and the black as a material. However, I never figured out how to actually do that. If anyone knows then I’d love to hear.


Nice work! I edited your post to fix the embed (just put the youtube URL on its own line).

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Thank you!

What tools did you use for the raining effect?

Adobe After Effects. I used the Trapcode Particular plugin (really useful tbh), and then I imported the camera rig and the planes from blender to AE to get the angles right when the rain struck the ground.