SSS problem only on render farms

I am trying to make foam material. Used for this a combination of subsurface scattering and a translucent shader. (Before that, volumes, but not about that now)
So when I do the material on my computer everything is fine. Absolutely everything works and subsurface scattering and volumes and translucency. But if I render it on a render farm, it seems to cut off the level of the “volume” value set by me in any of the above shaders. As a result, almost a stone is obtained from foam rubber. Renders attached. I tried on two farms. The result is one. Blender 2.81. On farms the same version.
On renderings, the result is on the CPU. On GPU the same thing.
Farm CPU: 2 x Xeon E5-2650 v2.
I did a test sequence on my laptop and on the farm. With the only difference in the settings, there are fewer samples on my renders.
At each frame, the value of subsurface scattering increases from small to huge (I will show Nods).
Click on the image below to expand - it is long.


Hi Vladislav. You didn’t mention what farms you tried, but SSS is supported on RenderStreet. If you tried your project on our farm and didn’t work, please get in touch with our support directly from our site and we’ll help.

I tried the Turbo Render farm. And another one first come across. I don’t remember anymore.

I registered on your site. But to try the trial need to pay 1 dollar, but I can not pay. Payment fails. Can you render this on your farm and show me the result? A simple frame, as in my examples.
Blend file:

I would still like to know what could be the matter? If someone knows what the problem is, please share. It is strange that this happened on two farms in a row. Complete disregard for SSS.

Sorry to hear you had problems with the payment. If you get in touch with our support we should be able to help.

I made a render with the file you attached in my personal account, both on CPU and on GPU, this is the result. (the screenshot is from our new interface, but the render looks the same regardless of which interface you use). SSS seems to be working correctly as far as I can tell.


Well, a completely different matter! Thank you! So I will go to your farm.
But this is so weird. Nevertheless, it is interesting how this can be that there are problems on other servers (those render farms). I’m just wondering what this might be connected with. Especially considering that I already paid for the render hours on that farm)

As every farm uses a different setup, I can only provide information regarding our own systems. We have always aimed to offer full support for Blender, and we’ve built our platform having this in mind. So the majority of the projects will work on our farm with no modifications necessary.

You could try The only thing we alter when someone submits a render is tile size and output node location. We recently dropped our price to $1.5 per machine hour so running tests is super cheap

Time to render, 16 seconds, Cost 1 cent (minimum cost) :smiley:
